mercredi 20 janvier 2010

The disease of intelligence

Recently I watched a particular movie, Phenomenon by Gerald Di Pego. This movie made me realize that sometimes, intelligence is a handicap for a person. Effectively, in this movie, George Malley, played by John Travolta, is struck by a flash and suddenly becomes intelligent. In his case, knowing much of anything in a short amount of time is negative for him. In this text, I’ll show, with the example of the story of George Malley, how intelligence can be negative.

Firstly, everything is fine for the character before the flash. He has a good life and great friends. When the flash got him, he becomes very smart and people began to get scare of him. In fact, George lives in a small town where everybody knows everybody and people are not very cultivated. When they saw that George was kind of weird, they start to believe he was abnormal like an alien. This intelligence ruined his life because everybody around him that used to be his friends start to have some doubts about him. They know that there was something wrong.

Secondly, yes intelligence can be a great thing to have. In this case, George could solves some problems in his life and in the others life. In sum, intelligence can greatly helped, but it has its place and must be managed.

mercredi 13 janvier 2010


My s.m.a.r.t. dream for this year is to have a great car until march. It will be useful for me for my job and my personal life. With a car, i will feel the freedom and this is why i want it. My dream is clear and specific. I want a car and for this, i will need to put money aside in order to accomplish my s.m.a.r.t. dream. It is measurable, cause i will set an amount of money that i will have to reach (1,500$) and my father will pay the rest. I already know how many i have to reach, because i will buy the car of my mother's friend. I will see my progress week by week cause i will take money of my pay for my dream. Also, i will need to spend less money in my activities and for shopping. This is why it is achierable. Finaly, i will put myself a deadline, cause i want to have my car until march, because i will have my driving license in february. I already started to put money aside and i can't wait to have my car, my freedom.