mercredi 9 décembre 2009


Recently i read a very good text the handsomest drowned man in the world. This text is very deep and interesting. The author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This story tlaks about a who is found on a beach near to a little village. The villagers are in awe towards this stranger because he is so much beautiful. They take care of him and call him Esteban. He will forever mark the history of this village. In this text, the author talks about how beauty can inspire people and make them think bigger. I really agree with Gabriel Garcia Marquez and i think so that beauty is a really important point to make things change in a point of vu artistic and social.

First, this quote from the text '' the tallest, the strongest, most viril and best built man they had ever seen, but even tought they were looking at him there was no room for him in their imagination '' shows how the beautiful appearance of a person can change the way of thinking and acting of some people. He his so beautiful that they can't imagine his beauty! Villagers feel they do not deserve the presence of this man and they want to change. They want to improve their village and honor him. For example, i can make a link with Hollywood stars. They have a huge impact in the life of young teenagers. Only by looking at a picture in a magazine, a girl will want to cut her hair in a way, wear a dress of such colour, etc. They do not even need to talk. Only by the image they convey the beauties have a significant impact in our life. It is the same in the story. Esteban is dead and only his beauty talks for him.

Secondly, this story talks a lot about how someone can change the way people think. In fact, the villagers thought they were worthless and that their life was going nowhere. But when Esteban appears in their daily, they know they must act and they need to improve their life for him. Like in our days, some people are very beautiful and they act to improve our world. For example, Jessica Simpson is a really good looking woman and she helps the PETA to prevent animal rights. In the text, Esteban has a big influence on the villagers and make them think that they are somebody and that if they want; they can be more than a simple villager. Esteban helps them to look forwards.

Finaly, i really agree with the author. The idea of his text is clear and very truth. It is interesting to read it, because we look to the beautiful persons in Hollywood and we think that they are just beautiful. But after reading this text, i can see them in a different way. I enjoy this story and i hoe that beauty will continue to make a difference in the world.

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